Your Impact
What Your Support Makes Possible
We preserve significant battlefield land in perpetuity by working with willing sellers and utilizing well-established conservation strategies. By preserving the sites of our nation’s formative conflicts — the American Revolution, War of 1812, and Civil War —the American Battlefield Trust provides a means to experience stories that shaped the nation we have become.
See the lands your support has helped to preserve
With your help, we keep alive the memory of our country’s formative conflicts through a broad range of heritage tourism and education initiatives. Battlefields are outdoor classrooms, teaching young and old about the sacrifices made to secure the precious freedoms we enjoy today.
See how we are supporting teachers and students by sharing the stories textbooks often leave untold.
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Inspire a Legacy
By protecting the landscapes where important battles occurred, we are creating living memorials — not just to the 800,000 Americans who perished in the conflicts of America’s first centuries, but to all of the men and women who have answered this country’s call, prepared to give their last full measure of devotion.
Watch how your support preserves the legacies of our nation’s soldiers – and helps veterans heal mental and physical wounds.
See Your Impact
A Message from President David N. Duncan
Dear Fellow Preservationist,
I am often asked—how can we do more to protect battlefields? It is a question that I think about often, and what has driven our organization to become the effective and efficient nonprofit it is.
One way you can do more is to include the American Battlefield Trust in your will or estate plan. Over 1,500 individuals have decided to make battlefield preservation their enduring legacy by including the Trust in their estates. I encourage you to join them so that we can ensure that future generations can walk the battlefield land that we’ve been able to appreciate and enjoy.
When you decide to give a gift to the American Battlefield Trust through your will or estate plan, you can designate that you want your gift to go to a certain purpose, such as to preserve Civil War battlefields. You can trust us to honor your request, so please let us know what your designation is when you make your plans by completing our Declaration of Intent form.
I encourage you to spend a few minutes exploring our website to see the different ways that you can support battlefield preservation through your estate. If you have any questions please contact Meaghan K. Hogan in our planned giving office directly at or 202-367-1861 ext. 7242.
David N. Duncan
P.S. If you have already included the Civil War Trust in your estate plans you don’t need to change them–the American Battlefield Trust is the same legal entity as the Civil War Trust. Read this page for more information.
Leaving a Legacy
Hear from some of our Honor Guard members why they have decided to leave a legacy of battlefield preservation.
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