Sample Bequest Language
Sample bequest language is provided here for your convenience.
These options are intended as models for you to share with your legal advisor when you prepare or amend your will. Further, please consult with a qualified financial advisor to ascertain the full tax benefits of any planned gift.
I bequeath to the American Battlefield Trust (EIN 54-1426643), a tax-exempt non-profit organization located in Washington, DC, the sum of $_________________ (or percentage _____% of my total probate/trust estate, or property described herein). This Fund is to be used by the organization as it deems advisable.
I bequeath to the American Battlefield Trust (EIN 54-1426643), a tax exempt non-profit organization located in Washington, DC, the sum of $________________ (or percentage _____% of my total probate/trust estate, or property described herein). This Fund is to be used by the organization for the following purpose (s): _____________________________________
Note: If you want, you can restrict your gift to the preservation of Civil War, Revolutionary War, or the War of 1812 battlefields. If your contribution is to be targeted beyond these general restrictions, please review this in consultation with the planned giving office to be certain that your wishes will be carried out. (Please note that certain restrictions can be difficult because of the availability of battlefield land for purchase; we are happy to work with you to determine if your designation can be realized.)*
I bequeath all the rest and residue of my estate/entire trust estate (or percentage___________% of the rest and residue of my estate/trust estate) to the American Battlefield Trust (EIN 54-1426643), a tax-exempt non-profit organization listed in Washington, DC. This fund is to be used by the organization as it deems advisable.
*Disclaimer: Please be advised that the Trust will use a small portion (generally 15–25%) of each estate gift we receive for Core Mission Support (CMS) to responsibly sustain the success of our organization and its essential purposes. Learn more at
Leaving a Legacy
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