THANK YOU to the 51 new Honor Guard members who joined through the Legacy Challenge!

For each new Honor Guard member, a $1,000 gift was made in their name to the American Battlefield Trust.

Challenge participants raised $50,000 for battlefield preservation – and we couldn’t be more grateful.

Thank you to our Challenge participants – without you, we simply could not save the land we do.
America’s hallowed ground will be preserved, thanks to you – now and in the future!

Rick and Maryann Ashbacker

Mr. Howard Bear

Barbara Stewart

Mr. Michael R. Brasher

Mr. Christopher Cagle, Esq.

Stuart and Deborah Chadde

Stephen W. & Deborah L. Collins

Mr. Michael R. Conrad

Ms. Roberta B. Deegan

Michael F. Dunn

Mr. Allan S. Eckmann

Ms. Elizabeth Elliott

Gabe Ervin

John H. Ferguson

Sarah Graham Fritz

Benjamin Garthwaite

Ms. Barbara L. Godbold

Janice Hacker

Mr. Paul L. Hartman

Hope Herschman

Don and Linda Howlett

Mr. Vincent Jackson

Mr. Alan D. Johnson

Jan Kovarik

Richard A. Lanciault

Mr. John C. Lawlor, Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Lorey III

Richard Menard

Dr. Robert J. Odien

Mr. Patric Parker

Dr. Randy Polevoi

Mr. and Mrs. William E. Porter

Stewart Rariden

Mike and Patti Sipple

Lowell & Elyse Smith

Ms. M. Tracey Sommers

Mr. Stephen R. Sutten

Robert E. Taylor, Jr.

Derek S. Thomas

Mr. Jake Thompson

Ken Vincent

Chance Webster

Ms. Choti Weiler

Mr. Robert D. Wilcox

Laurie W. Williamson

Mr. Greg Wobser

Anonymous (5)

Thank you to our Legacy Challenge sponsor who generously donated the matching funds for the Challenge:

Robert Bailey

“I have had a love of American history, and the Civil War in particular, ever since I can remember. To read about the battles is one thing, but to have the opportunity to visit where they actually happened enhances the experience immeasurably. To be able to guarantee that experience for future generations is the source of great satisfaction.”

Did you miss our Legacy Challenge but are interested in making a lasting impact?

Please visit our legacy giving webpage, download free brochures, or contact Meaghan K. Hogan, Senior Associate for Planned Giving, at (202) 367-1861 ex. 7242 to request information.